April 21 is the 112th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. If the ancient Mayans were correct, there are 244 days remaining until the end of time.
753BCE Twins Romulus and Remus found Rome after suckling.
1878 New York installs 1st firehouse pole
1894 George Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man" premieres in London
1920 John Galsworthy's "Skin Game" premieres in London
1948 1st Polaroid camera is sold in US, and boys start taking pictures of themselves in mirrors.
1959 Alf Dean using a rod and reel hooks a 2,664lb, 16' 10" white shark, the largest fish ever caught on a rod
1960 Brasilia becomes capital of Brazil on Dia de Tiradentes (See below)
1966 Emperor Haile Selassie (Ethiopia) visits Kingston, Jamaica, an event that is considered one of the holiest occurrences in the Rastafarian canon
1983 1 pound coin introduced in United Kingdom. Heavy.
1986 Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone's vault on TV and finds nothing
1989 Thousands of Chinese crowd into Beijing's Tiananmen Square cheering students demanding greater political freedom
1997 Ashes of Timothy Leary and Gene Roddenberry are launched into orbit to create more space debris