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Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20th

May 20 is the 141st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. If the ancient Mayans were correct, there are 215 days remaining until the end of time.

1310 Shoes are made for both right and left feet, but sold separately
1521 Ignatius Loyola, probably gay Spanish knight/priest, is seriously wounded playing catch with a cannon ball.  He lingers until July.
1874 Levi Strauss markets blue jeans with copper rivets, price $13.50 doz ($257.14 in 2010)
1875 International Bureau of Weights and Measures forms by treaty
1926 Thomas Edison says Americans prefer silent movies over talkies. Everybody’s a critic, but 85 years later . . .
1927 At 7:40 AM, Lindbergh takes off from New York to cross Atlantic for Paris
1930 University of California dedicates $1,500 ($20,666.32 in 2012) to research prevention and cure of athlete's foot
1956 In Operation Redwing, the first United States airborne hydrogen bomb, CHER-okee, is dropped over Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Happily, no bikini-clad boys are harmed.
1983 First publications of the discovery of the HIV virus that causes AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo individually.
1990 Hubble Space Telescope sends 1st photograph's from space. Ooh. Ah.
1996 The Supreme Court of the United States rules in Romer v. Evans against a law that would have prevented any city, town or county in the state of Colorado from taking any legislative, executive, or judicial action to protect the rights of gays and lesbians.  Doesn't say anything about referenda however.

1768 Dolley Madison, US First Lady/cupcake 
1921 Hal Newhouser, US Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher (Detroit, Cleveland)
1944 Joe Cocker, gruff US singer/composer 
1958 Ron Reagan, US ballet dancer/progressive political commentator/famous father
1958 Matt McCoy, US actor 
1960 Tony Goldwyn, US actor/director 
1965 Paolo Seganti, Italian actor 
1965 Ted Allen, gay US Queer Eye food queer and Food Network staple 
1966 Mindy Cohn, maybe gay US actress/Natalie/fruit-fly 
1968 Timothy Olyphant, US actor 
1972 Christophe Dominici, French rugger/Dieux du Stade model 
1973 Deondray Gossett, gay US actor/writer/producer/director/The DL Chronicles 
1975 Tahmoh Penikett, maybe gay Canadian actor
1975 Raphaël Jéchoux, rugger/Dieux du Stade model (in middle) 
1975 Juan Minujin, Argentine actor 
1977 Matt Czuchry, US actor/Gilmore Girls/The Good Wife 
1977 Mathieu Blin, French rugger/Dieux du Stade model (on left) 
1978 Masaru Nagai, Japanese actor 
1980 Cauã Reymond, Brazilian model/actor 
1985 Julian Hans, French rugger/Dieux du Stade model 
1986 Yon Gonzalez, Spanish actor 

1506 Christopher Columbus, Italian explorer, makes another voyage.
1989 Gilda Radner, US comedienne/actress (Saturday Night Live, Haunted Honeymoon), misses Sunday morning
2008 Hamilton Jordan, former Carter White House Chief of Staff (known for snorting cocaine and looking down women’s dresses), makes it impossible for Islamic martyrs to get their 72 virgins.
2011 Randy “Macho Man” Savage, US professional wrestler, takes a piledriver

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