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Friday, October 05, 2012

October 5th

October 5 is the 279th day of the year.  There are 87 days remaining until the end of the year.

1905 Wilbur Wright pilots Wright Flyer III in a flight of 24 miles in 39 minutes, a world record that stands until 1908.
1916 Cutie-patootie Corporal Adolf Hitler is injured in battle, but not enough
1945 Hollywood Black Friday: A six month strike by Hollywood set decorators turns into a bloody riot at the gates of Warner Brothers' studios. For a second there, I flashed forward to Stonewall...
1953 The first documented recovery meeting of Narcotics Anonymous is held. Someone remembered to write down the date this time...
1962 Dr. No, the first in the James Bond film series, and the fantasies of gay boys everywhere are released.
1966 Near Detroit, Michigan, there is a partial core meltdown at the Enrico Fermi demonstration nuclear breeder reactor.
1969 Monty Python's Flying Circus begins airing on BBC. 
1970 The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is founded under a Republican President to become a political football 42 years later
1981 Raoul Wallenberg becomes an honorary U.S. citizen with all the rights, privileges and entitlements pertaining thereto...especially since he's dead and not Mexican.
2000 Mass demonstrations in Belgrade lead to resignation of Serbian strongman Slobodan Miloševic'. These demonstrations are often called the Bulldozer Revolution

1840 John Addington Symonds, gay English historian/writer, one of the earliest scholars of gay and lesbian issues 
1950 Jeff Conaway, US actor 
1951 Bob Geldolf, Irish musician/humanitarian 
1952 Clive Barker, gay English director/writer 
1967 Guy Pearce, English actor 
1969 Giorgio Lupano, Italian actor 
1970 Joe Souza [Matt Dalpiaz], US actor/Naked Boy Singer 
1972 Thomas Roberts, gay US journalist 
1973 Titof, gay French pornographic actor/director  
1976 Sebastian Rio, gay US pornographic actor  
1981 Iran Malfitano, Brazilian actor 
1981 Cort Donovan, gay US pornographic actor 
1982 Francisco Bosch, gay Spanish actor/dancer 
1984 Trae Spencer, gay US pornographic actor  

1892 Dalton Gang gets de-caffed after Coffeyville, Kansas bank holdup
2003 Timothy Treadwell [Dexter], US bear enthusiast featured in Grizzly Man/fool, answers the question and becomes something that bears sh*t in the woods.
2004 Rodney Dangerfield, comic, receives everyone’s final no respects.

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